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A member registered Oct 14, 2019

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Yay Murder!

(1 edit)

Horror games suck now. They focus so much on having a spooky monster with way too much backstory, that they forget to have anything actually scary or meaningful in them. That and their stories are terrible. They have all these lore documents and vague little clues but nothing to actually say.

From what I can gather from the author's incoherent description this is based on their experience with sleep paralysis.

What exactly is Protodungeon DX on Steam meant to be. A remake? A collection?

Good to know it's been taken down. I want worms not worms.

Kinda new to these kinds of visual novels. Is there anyway to update the game by a patch rather than downloading it again. I don't have a lot of space on my laptop so redownloading games isn't really feasible.

The art here is both great and innovative. Most Pixel Art fighting games have large detailed sprites but here you've gone for smaller characters with more flat colours. The Art pops in its own right but it also pops out from the horde of other fighting games. Great Job!